So, last week we were consumed with dance recitals. Besides doing photoshoots for other families, I went a little photo happy with my girl and her special friends from the week. We had some great guests come and support Paige. Lala's kiddo, Annslee, was a superstar! She looked so cute in her little lollipop dress. She and I had fun screaming for Paige during the recital. Annslee is a little rock star whooo hooer...she is too, too cute. Her daddy, Mark, was a little unsure of the night's festivities with all of the makeup and midrifs showing, but I think he secretly had a good time :) Laura, we appreciate you guys coming more than you'll ever know!!!
Here are some cute pics and a couple videos, too :)
these girls are known as "the fab four" :)
avery, paige and hayden
annslee and paige
annslee putting her new skills to good use...sweet!
sweet friends: suzanne, laura, annslee and mark (with paige)
my favorite pic!!!
Here are two more videos from the evening! Paige was in the opening act, also, so here is a clip from that.
*****All of these videos are from rehearsals, not the recital. She was way more into it the night of the recital. They don't allow flash photography or video during the performances, so we have to wait for the dvd's of the recitals.*****
An All-American Girls' Trip
10 years ago