Sunday, September 26, 2010


Paige is attending a weekly basketball clinic to improve her basketball skills and I just adore watching her try to be the best she can be. She is trying out for her middle school team and is working out with the team two times a week. I am not sure if she will make the team, but I am so proud that she gives it 110% every time she gets out there.

This past week they ran bleachers and as active Paige has always been, she was HURTING. My dad was a basketball coach for over 30 years and I forgot how intense the practices and conditioning can be. It is not for the faint at heart.

Win or lose, I am proud of you, Paige! You are a great sportsman and you have a drive that cannot be unwaivered. Love you, my little baller!

1 comment:

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

As I looked at this picture and started to read your post, I immediately thought of your Dad. I remembered you telling me that he was a coach and had such passion for the sport. I am sure he is so proud of Miss Paige. He is cheering her on from heaven.

Sorry we didn't get to catch me on your way in tomorrow if you want. I will be heading to Philly. I drop Nick off at 8am and then I have an hour commute!

Happy Sunday~

