I'm going to let the pictures do the talking (there are A LOT, so if you don't enjoy pics, you might want to check back later with updates :) ).

You see this little girl? Well, she has been having a BIG year! Probably the most eventful of her life. Again...I'll let the pics do the talking! This is a shot that was taken for her new gig as a model. I have been asked to be a photographer part time for her agency. Big stuff for the both of us and LOTS of fun!

This was her first "gig" this year in the fall. She was asked to dance in a christian music video. The video will be out this month and we are beyond ecstatic! She got a nice little start to her college savings fund and I am proud to say I let her choose if she wanted to take some out to "play" with and she proudly said, "NO, I want this to go towards college!".

She has always been a social butterfly, but this year has taken the cake. She experienced her first Haunted House...

...Her first "love" and "heartbreak"...

...a new "love" and I am certain will be the "heartbreaker" this time :/ TOO YOUNG FOR THIS MESS!!!

Played with her besties in an indoor soccer tournament where they took home third place out of 15 teams!!

Socialized with her friends at every.single.opportunity.known.to.man...

Started a new tradition of "dirty santa"

Dirty Santa will NEVER be the same...

Was honored for at the middle school athletic awards for being a part of the State Champion Cross Country team...

Still gets picked up daily, because she is everyone's "baby"...she really does not enjoy being so short!

Was recently inducted into the National Junior Honor's Society... I AM SO PROUD!!!!!

Got a new Principal this year, Mr. F., whom she ADORES!

Has had the TIME of her life with her girlfriends...

Has learned how to laugh at herself and be proud of WHO she is :)

Has perfected the God Awful DUCK FACE!

Has been loved on by many...

Thinks it's hilarious to be "matchy matchy" ...

Has gone to dances and represented her class as the Secretary...

....again, perfected the duck face :/

Kept old friendships...

And prefers LOVE over HATE!!!
I'm proud of this girl of mine! Much more going on in her little life, but that will have to wait for another time. Lots going on in mine, as well, but again will have to wait!
Hope you are all well! We are LOVING life!